My writing process...
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Rhetoric Paper #2 DRAFT...
This is the link where you guys can edit my paper. Sorry for the confusion...
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: A Sign of Mercy or Murder?
This is the link where you guys can edit my paper. Sorry for the confusion...
Friday, July 20, 2012
What is reality?
To me, reality is how we perceive things to be. Are they real or was it or minds playing trick on us? Actually it can be both. It is everything that existed and exists. The camera shots on Prof. Butts blog captured each person’s social identity. The camera shots picked up facial expressions and not necessarily their body language. This is reality. The camera can catch reality. Reality is the emotions of subjects as well as the activity involved. In reality we all have different personalities and a camera shot or painting only conveys a message at that one moment in time. Reality is real, not fantasy.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
As I watch this trailer for the upcoming new movie, Spiderman, it draws you in making you want to watch the movie. It doesn’t go in any chronological order. It starts out high then quickly goes to low. This process of high to low is continuous throughout the trailer. The producer starts with a high of action, then to a low of him reverting back to Spiderman’s youth. The next high is he meets his enemy then to a low where he meets a girl. This is continuous throughout the movie clip until the end. The ending leaves the audience on a high; anxiously awaiting for a low, but there is none. Clip ends.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
I was unable to get out in my car and ride around to look at various types of art, but I did remember last summer taking a picture of this mural. It was painted on a wall in downtown Columbia, S.C. about 30 years ago. When looking at this mural, one feels at ease, and as you stare at this mural, you feel as if you are traveling through the tunnel to a serine place; away from the hustle and bustle of the city. What is so ironic about this mural, it is located beside a busy hospital on the right and on the left is a busy bank. Just located across the street is an enormous Methodist church.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Interview Questions:
I have finally decided the topic for my paper. I visited my aunt over the weekend who is teminally ill and is wishing to die. My topic is Euthansia: A Sign of Mercy or Murder?
A physician: "As a physician, how do you deal with the emotional stress of telling a patient there are no more options?"
I have finally decided the topic for my paper. I visited my aunt over the weekend who is teminally ill and is wishing to die. My topic is Euthansia: A Sign of Mercy or Murder?
A physician: "As a physician, how do you deal with the emotional stress of telling a patient there are no more options?"
A terminally ill patient: "Since you have already thought about assisted suicide, what are the conditions for you to take this final step of leaving your family, and how bad does this condition have to get for you to choose death over spending these last few days with your family?"
This website sucks:
This website sucks because the word are so big and bold they seem to assault you when you look at them. It doesn't have a professional logo and the space is misused. The website did not use the entire space; it seems to be off-centered.
This website is great:
This website sucks because the word are so big and bold they seem to assault you when you look at them. It doesn't have a professional logo and the space is misused. The website did not use the entire space; it seems to be off-centered.
This website is great:
Of course I am going to like this website!! This where I have cheered for 10+ years! This website captures your eye immediately with their professional logo at the top. Just below is also a video of the routine performed at World's Competition on the right and a snapshot of the International team in a pyramid on the left. Just below aare several buttons to click on to get the information one is inquiring about. I think this website is very colorful, uses the entire page and easy to read (of course I am going to be bias!)
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Looking at the young lady on the front cover, it draws the eye because it is so colorful. Once we have the magazine in our hand, we instantly turn to the cover story which relates to the image. The lady’s name is Maria Menounos. She is currently a host on television show, Extra. Just recently she placed fourth runner up on the 14th season of Dancing With the Stars despite many injuries. The image on the front shows her in a brightly colored bikini showing off her amazing figure. The article explains step by step how she obtained this figure and also, tells the reader they, too, can obtain this body. In the article, Maria says “I love to eat fresh. I have a huge garden where I’ve planted herbs, fruits, and vegetables. I pick the ingredients every day for our dinner” (Connors 106). Not only does she eat healthy, she also does daily workouts. “I hit every muscle in 5 minutes flat with a series of moves while using 5 to 8 pound dumbbells in each hand” (Connors 107). Reading the article and looking at the image, one can clearly see she has an amazing body and how she is able to keep this figure. So, basically, if we eat healthy and exercise daily, according to Maria, we could possibly have a body like her.
Works Cited
Connors, Claire. "Extra Strong, Extra Smart, Extra Sexy." Shape. Jul 2012: 104-108. Print.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Works Cited:
(Again, I am not sure which topic I am going to do indepth research)
(Again, I am not sure which topic I am going to do indepth research)
Carrier, Justin. Complete Cheerleading. 2nd ed. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 2006. Print.
Price, Robert. The ultimate guide to weight training for cheerleading. 2nd ed. Cleveland: Price World Enterprises, 2007. Print.
Bane, Mary Jo, and Lawrence Mead. Lifting up the Poor. 1st ed. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2003. Print.
Barker, Ash. Make Poverty Personal. 1st ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2009. Print.
Death Penalty:
Haines, Herbert. Against Capital Punishment. 1sted. New York: Oxford University Press,
Inc., 1996. Print.
Leone, Bruno, and Scott Barbour. Does Capital Punishment Deter Crime?. 1st ed. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1998. Print.
Are cheerleaders athletes?
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of cheerleading is the many hours of practice to make a 2 minute and 30 second routine perfect. My answer is yes, cheerleaders are athletes. Statistics have proven the sport of cheerleading to be more dangerous than football. In football, the players are protected by pads; however, cheerleaders have no protection. The flyers in the air must trust their bases or they will become nervous in the air and fall. With each fall, they could get a broken bone or a concussion. With each routine, a cheerleader will spend about 3 to 4 hours each day stunting and tumbling to obtain perfection. Cheerleaders are more than just cute girls in little uniforms doing sideline cheer. They are physically fit and well-conditioned to take on strenuous practices and competitions. With all the hard work, once they hit the floor and perform a flawless routine, it is all worth it! Yes, cheerleaders are athletes!
Poverty, is it a social injustice?
When someone speaks of another in poverty, what does that mean? Poverty is a state of being without necessities of daily living. Social injustice is the unfairness or the injustice of the society which comes with many burdens. Social injustice is categorizing individuals based on religion, race, geographical locations, age or gender. Is poverty a social injustice, and have we, as the society, stigmatized poverty? We tend to look down on those who are not as wealthy, or those who do not have a good education. As we look at the job market in America, many of the jobs require certain physical abilities. The skilled worker must be physically healthy, skilled and educated for these opportunities. What happens to those who are physically challenged? Many countries are facing severe poverty and we must try to help them by teaching them how to farm and trade with other countries.
(This is about all I could write without doing proper research)
Death Penalty, is it right or wrong?
Throughout the years, there has been great discussion concerning the death penalty, whether it should be allowed or not. If one is speaking to a layman, priest or a reverend the answer would be no, but if one is speaking to a guard in a prison or a family member of a victim, the answer to the question may be yes. It seems that the death penalty is not only punishment for the convicted but revenge for the victim’s family members. When turning on the television, radio, or reading the newspaper, one is bombarded with news of arrests, murders, homicides and other tragedies. We, the people of today’s society, have the choice to agree or disagree with all the wrongdoings that takes place. One of the most controversial topics in the United States at any given time is that of whether or not to support the death penalty in a particular state. Some people are demanding the death penalty as if it were a quick solution to a complex problem, when in fact it is no solution at all but merely a case of public revenge and scapegoating.
(This is about all I could write without doing proper research)
I am really struggling with a topic for this assignment. I have thrown out 3 ideas. I am just not sure which direction I want to take. Anyone have suggestions?
Monday, July 9, 2012
Does it suck??
Elephant: This elephant does not suck because it represents America; the colors of our flag and our freedom!
Obama: President Obama does not suck. He is the leader of our country. He protects us.
Harry Potter: Harry Potter does suck simply because, the books were too long, and the movies were so unrealistic.
Apple: This apple does not suck. This apple represents technology and how we have evolved into a computer world.
Star Wars: Star Wars sucks because it is unrealistic and no one would ever wear the clothing these people wear; they look silly.
Facebook: Facebook does not suck. Facebook is a great link for communication throughout the world with many avenues to meet new people and to reunite with old friends.
McDonalds: McDonalds suck because it is a greasy fat food restaurant with a silly clown to entice children to eat the fattening foods.
Clemson University: Clemson University does not suck. Clemson University represents education and a bright future for incoming freshman.
Lady Gaga: Lady Gaga does not suck simply because she knows how to be herself and is showing everyone to be an individual; do what you feel is good for you.
Justin Bieber: Justin Bieber sucks simply because his music sucks, and he only attracts a small audience of very young kids.
Sudoku: Sudoku does not suck. It is a great game, popularized by the Japanese, to play with numbers which challenges the mind mathematically.
Avatar: Avatar sucks! Basically Avatar is about little blue men and we all know there is no such thing as bleu men!
Xbox 360: Xbox 360 sucks since all anyone can do is sit on their butt and play games all day. No wonder obesity is so prominent in America.
American Idol: The television show American Idol does not suck. It is great show where people of all ages can show their talents and hopefully get discovered by talent agents.
Glee: Glee sucks. It is just a silly show where adults try to act like they are in high school and compete in singing competitions.
Marlboro: Marlboro cigarettes suck simply because they smell bad and can cause serious health problems.
Guns: Guns suck. Not much to say here; they kill animals and people! Again, guns suck!
Abortion: Abortion SUCKS!! Abortion is morally wrong; all deserve to live!
Dog in clothes: Wow, a dog in clothes sucks simply because dogs are not Barbie dolls for anyone to play dress up.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Whenever I have a writing assignment, I instanly start to moan, because usually I have no idea of where to start or what to write about. In the past year, I have had to write several assignments so now it is beginning to be a lot easier. The topic I chose to write my first assignment is one that I have wanted to research but did not have the opportunity. So being interested in the topic is always a plus for me!
I find that I have to be in my room, very low music playing and sitting in the middle of my bed when starting a writing assignment. I can not be propped up by a pillow or even by a chair back; I must be sitting straight up with no props. The process which helps me write is first, I just start typing ideas on my computer; second, I begin researching on the library and google websites; third, I choose which side I am going to take a stand on, protagonist or antagonist. Once this is decided, I begin reading my sources and typing a very rough draft. After I have completed it, I reread it and make corrections. I cannot start a paper and finish it at a later time; I must complete the rough draft in one sitting. Once my rough draft is complete, I have to put the paper asside for several hours before I reread it again.
I have found that this website has been amazing for me when making MLA citations.
Whenever I have a writing assignment, I instanly start to moan, because usually I have no idea of where to start or what to write about. In the past year, I have had to write several assignments so now it is beginning to be a lot easier. The topic I chose to write my first assignment is one that I have wanted to research but did not have the opportunity. So being interested in the topic is always a plus for me!
I find that I have to be in my room, very low music playing and sitting in the middle of my bed when starting a writing assignment. I can not be propped up by a pillow or even by a chair back; I must be sitting straight up with no props. The process which helps me write is first, I just start typing ideas on my computer; second, I begin researching on the library and google websites; third, I choose which side I am going to take a stand on, protagonist or antagonist. Once this is decided, I begin reading my sources and typing a very rough draft. After I have completed it, I reread it and make corrections. I cannot start a paper and finish it at a later time; I must complete the rough draft in one sitting. Once my rough draft is complete, I have to put the paper asside for several hours before I reread it again.
I have found that this website has been amazing for me when making MLA citations.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
My morning breakfast cereal. While eating my breakfast, I was looking at the box and found an introductory comma on the back... Look at photo below. |
On the side of the box they give a brief introduction of the ceral. The first sentence reads, " Each 30g serving has 7g of fiber, making Flax Plus a high fiber source. |
Monday, July 2, 2012
My FAVORITE candy!
Peanut M&Ms
- Brightly colored packaging
- Bright colored images of the M&Ms
- They are both smiling so they must be good
- Package fits nicely in my hand; not too big
- Package rattles to let me know there are goodies inside
- Rips open easily
- Not wordy
- M&M written real big to catch our attention
- Circle in middle brings my eyes to the center of package to see the M&Ms
As a PRTM major I am required to do many papers. I have learned about plagiarism and copying of another person's work. It is unethical to copy another one's work because technically it is stealing. We were taught at an early age stealing is wrong. I will not plagiarize or steal work from another student, author, professor, etc.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Crocodiles are majestic, powerful, and amazing creatures.
Crocodiles are very powerful and majestic. Look at the above picture. The way he stands there proud, in control and mostly very powerful. His physical traits allow them to be successful predators. The shape of his body allows him to swim swiftly in the water. For example, look at his webbed feet. They allow him to make fast turns and sudden moves in the water to catch his prey when they come near. Look at the way he stands. It looks as if he is waiting for his prey. He typically does not chase his prey; instead he waits patiently for the prey to come near and swiftly attacks using his sharp teeth tearing and holding onto flesh of his dinner. He is an amazing creature. Aside from being a predator, these animals are hunted by several. Many people consider the crocodile to be a delicacy not to mention their hide is used to make purses, shoes, wallets, etc.
Crocodiles are ridiculous looking, silly, and lame creatures.
Look at the above picture. This crocodile looks silly standing there so bulky and big. He looks ridiculous with short legs, and beady eyes. We must wonder if he is starved because of his ridiculously short legs. How can he possibly catch anything to eat? Wow, his skin is so scaly and rough looking in this picture. Probably because all he does all day is sit in the sun an lay in ponds. This crocodile is so lame; he has no purpose in life because of his slowness and laziness.
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